Our Story

The Beginning.
The concept of CareRing Health began over ten years ago. Steve Guenthner, while President of Almost Family, a national provider of home healthcare services, saw the need for coordinated home care services for America’s dually eligible population, those with both Medicare and Medicaid benefits. This group of Americans who are chronically-ill, aged, or disabled are often underserved and neglected with disjointed healthcare.
For the patient, navigating the healthcare system was difficult, confusing, and frustrating, especially when they were desperately trying to navigate their own medical, social, and behavioral conditions. Life is very hard when chronically-ill with many unable to get through life’s daily challenges.
Health plans, health systems, and medical professionals were frustrated as they tried to manage complex medical conditions for their patients in a fragmented system.
On a Federal and State level, this group of “duals” were consuming a disproportionate amount of all Medicare and Medicaid spending primarily due to poor management of their chronic conditions.
There had to be a way to create a new healthcare-at-home service delivery model to solve this difficult problem, and now there is … CareRing Health.
We at CareRing Health are focusing our energy on America’s dually eligible population to demonstrate the efficacy of our healthcare delivery model. Our new integrated benefit will improve the quality of life for our patients, create a better coordinated care model in conjunction with health plans and health systems, and will lower the spend on our Medicare and Medicaid systems resulting in lower costs to the American taxpayer.